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Training: Executive Leadership

These changes and economic challenges require changes in focus and leadership. It is within this context that we are delivering the Executive Leadership programme for women in Romania between 7th and 20th of April 2021.

Leadership în Acțiune

Marshal Garden Calea Dorobanți 50B, București

Program pentru femei antreprenor Programul Leadership în Acţiune a fost amânat până la o dată ce va fi comunicată ulterior Sănătatea şi siguranţa echipei noastre şi a participanţilor au prioritate. Luăm măsuri de precauţie pentru a minimiza impactul răspândirii coronavirusului, drept urmare acest eveniment, iniţial programat pentru 18-19 mai şi 18-19 iunie, a fost amânat până la […]

Program: Leadership în Acțiune

Marshal Garden Calea Dorobanți 50B, București

Înscrierile la acest eveniment s-au încheiat. Datorită interesului foarte mare, locurile au fost deja epuizate. Vom reveni în curând cu informații privind evoluția programului în 2020.   Leadership în Acțiune Program pentru femei antreprenor 09-10 decembrie 2019 și 30-31 ianuarie 2020, București 4 zile, 09:00-17:00, Hotel Marshal Garden Învățați și experimentați DE CE și CUM […]

Course structure, dates, and times:

Structure – Leadership modules delivered online:

Personal leadership during and after the Covid-19 crisis

Module 1 : Responding to crisis related challenges and preparing for post-crisis opportunities

Module 2 : Professional profile and reputation management

Module 3 : Networking & internal and external stakeholder leadership

Mastering key processes for accelerated progress

Module 4 : Advanced negotiation skills

Module 5 : Effective problem-solving and decision-making processes

Module 6 : Dealing with operational challenges and risks

Module 7 : Team leadership – part 1

Module 8 : Team leadership – part 2

The 8 modules will be delivered over 5 days within a time frame of two weeks. Please note that on 3 of the 5 days, 2 modules will be delivered and there will be a break of 1 hour between each module.

Modules Date Time
Responding to the crisis and preparing for post-crisis opportunities 7 April 2021 10.30 – 12.00
Professional profile and reputation management 9 April 2021 10.30 – 12.00
Networking & internal and external stakeholder leadership 9 April 2021 13.00 – 14.30
Advanced negotiation skills 14 April 2021 10.30 – 12.00
Effective problem-solving and decision-making processes 16 April 2021 10.30 – 12.00
Dealing with operational challenges and risks 16 April 2021 13.00 – 14.30
Team leadership part 1 20 April 2021 10.30 – 12.00
Team leadership part 2 20 April 2021 13.00 – 14.30

Know your trainer

Janet Poot is an international leadership and change management consultant. She also designs and delivers leadership programmes for executives in diverse sectors and countries.

Janet lives in the  Netherlands and is originally from South Africa. She has an entrepreneurial background having established and run a marketing company that developed and conducted marketing campaigns for leading multinationals in 12 countries. She employed an international workforce and had two branch offices abroad for over 10 years.

Janet subsequently prepared in the United States for a career in the field of consultancy. She established her second company, JPC International (registered as JPCorporate International BV) to focus on leadership development and consulting across cultures and borders. Company website:

Janet has worked with executive women in different functions and sectors (including IT, Finance, the events industry, consulting, international NGOs) and tailored her leadership development programmes to meet their specific challenges as women in different environments.

She is used to working with a wide range of nationalities and with organisations ranging from SMEs to multinationals. She has carried out assignments for European, American, African and Asian organisations in most regions of continental Europe, England and in the Middle East. She has enjoyed working with EBRD in multiple countries since 2016.

Janet is the author of “A Different Kind of Leader— accelerating progress in a world of disruption”.